
2/18 (五) 思,英語討論會 1:Dumpster Dive!

Discussion Question: What should be done with expired food?

Questions to Ponder:
1. Have you ever heard the term, “freegan”?
2. What images from the video have stuck in your mind?

3. What are some concerns stores might have about distributing their expired food?
4. Do stores have legal liability if someone ate spoiled food?
5. Would it cost stores money if people took this food home?
6. Would it leave stores open to con-men trying to get money from them?

7. Who are the people in the video?
8. Do they look/act like people you know?

9. What part of the video intrigued you most?
10. What’s your reaction to eating food that someone else has thrown out? Are you grossed out? Are you enthusiastic? Are you curious? Are you angry? Are you disinterested?

11. What is your attitude towards things that are thrown out?
12. Who does garbage belong to?
13. Do you think it’s weird that it’s illegal to take things from trash cans in the US?
14. Do you think that people should make it easy to use food that is no longer fit to be sold in the store?
15. Do you think people should be protected from ‘expired food’?

16. What did you learn from this video that you didn’t know before?
17. What were the key points made in the video?

Discussion Question: What should be done with expired food?

Choose a position:
Position A) This kind of food shouldn’t be distributed. It’s too dangerous, and might cause diseases. It’s best for it to go to a landfill.
Position B) The government should set up a program to collect this food, and compensate stores for their costs.
Position C) Someone should set up a gleaning organization, like in the article below.
Position D) Stores should make agreements with food banks to come pick up unwanted food, or they should donate it before it’s actually expired.
Position E) Stores should have a display area for free food, with a sign that “buy at your own risk, we have no legal responsibility for you eating this” and maybe a special mark so that people can’t return the food as spoiled and get their money back.
Position F) ___. _________________________.

The article below describes food gleaning organizations that are being created in the US.
Article 2: http://money.msn.com/saving-money/how-to-get-groceries-for-free.aspx