Discussion Question: When you’ve made a change, what’s the best way to help it become the ‘new normal’?
Questions to Think About:
1. What is normal?
2. What are some of the things in your everyday life that you consider normal?
3. What do you normally talk about with people you know?
4. What sorts of things do you normally see in the media?
5. What are some changes you’ve chosen to make in your life?
6. What are some changes you’ve been forced to make in your life?
7. When you’re dealing with change, who do you talk to about it?
8. What are some of the things you do when you’re faced with a sudden change?
9. What are some signs that you have to make a change in a relationship? In a job?
10. What makes you decide to move house? Change how you eat? Get a different job? Begin or end relationships with people?
11. What kinds of feelings do you have that make you start to think about making these kinds of changes?
12. How does normal feel? Secure? Easy? Boring? Predictable?
13. How do you feel when things don’t change very much over a long period of time?
14. What does going through a change feel like? Unsettling? Exciting? Nerve-racking?
15. What sorts of feelings do you have when your circumstances change suddenly?
16. Does change feel the same when you’ve had to change because of a change in your circumstances as when you’ve made a decision to change?
17. Do you find it easy to make a decision to change?
18. Do you find it easy to stick to a decision to change?
19. What sorts of feelings do you have when you’ve made a decision to change but find it harder than you expected?
20. When you’ve just gone through a change, and things start to settle down into the new way of being, what does that feel like?
21. What motivates you to make a change?
22. What motivates you to stick to doing things the new way?
23. What do you do to help yourself keep doing things the new way?
24. What do you do to help settle in when you’ve gone through a change in circumstances?
Discussion Question: When you’ve made a change, what’s the best way to help it become the ‘new normal’?