
9/16 (五) Writing Exercise Changes Perceptions

1. What is a stereotype?
2. What are stereotypes of Taiwanese as a group?
3. Are you personally different from these stereotypes? How are you different?
4. What are stereotypes of women as a group?
5. Are you personally different from these stereotypes? How are you different?

6. What stereotypical groups have you been placed into?
(ex: woman, girl, intelligent/nerd, white, tall, artistic, american, midwesterner, foreigner)

7. Have you ever been told you're not as good as other people? What part of you were they talking about? How did it make you feel?

8. When you'll be doing something or taking a test, and you know will be compared to somebody that you think is more advanced than you, what do you feel?

9. When you've done badly at something, do you feel like doing it again?

10. When people tell you they think you'll suck at something, do you feel you can do it anyhow? What if you already think you'll suck? What if you think you'll be fine?

11. When people tell you they think you'll do great at something do you feel more like you'll be able to do it? What if you already know you'll be fine? What if you're not sure you'll do well?

12. When did you first realize you were YOU and not part of something else? e.g. When did you first think of like your family as separate from you? How did you feel about it?

13. When did you first realize you were a 'woman' or a 'girl'? What did you feel about it, if anything?

14. When did you first realize the things you do had an effect on others, whether postive or negative? What did you feel about it?

15. Have you ever heard of this term "stereotype threat"?
It means:
"a situational predicament felt in situations where one can be judged by, treated in terms of, or self-fulfill negatie sterotypes about one's group"
"Academic and intellectual performance is not simply contingent upon actual ability, but also the shared beliefs that people hold about the performance and abilities of different social groups."
Or, in the simplest terms,
"If you know that other people think you suck, you can't do your work or take tests as well, because you're distracted by the fear that they might be right."

16. Do you agree with this statement?
"The truth is the psychological reality that our hopes, dreams and aspirations are tied inextricably to our place in a social hierarchy and that our identities within this social hierarchy define the journey our lives will take. At least, this is the case unless we can understand and harness the psychological power of stereotypes and social identity."

"Whistling Vivaldi" by Claude Steele
NPR interview with Claude Steele
How a 15 minute writing excercise closed the performance gap between women and men in a physics class
Writing excercize breaks vicious cycle that holds back black students
Why is it called Whistling Vivaldi?
Stereotype Threat