
7/6(五)思,英語1: Who tests better?

Questions to Ponder:
1. What are some kinds of tests you have taken? What are their names?
2. What does passing a test represent?

3. What is a standard?
4. What is a standardized test? Is it different from any other test?
5. What do standardized test scores measure?

6. What are typical questions on a Taiwanese test?
7. What are some of the questions on the French test?

8. Do you feel testing people is important?

9. Do you feel it is important to have a standard?
10. Do you feel it is important to measure up to a standard?

11. Do you feel it is important that tests are standardized?

12. Do you find test taking interesting? Easy? Emotional? Frustrating? Angry-making? Crazy-making?
13. When you think about taking the JEA, what do you feel?

14. What do you feel when you think about ‘measuring up to a standard’? Confident? Scared? Indifferent? Pissed off? Resentful?
15. What do you feel when you think about ‘Standardized test scores?’ Does your body have a reaction?

16. When you think of the questions on the Taiwanese test, what do you feel? What kind of quality do they have?
17. When you read the questions on the French test, what kind of feeling does they give you? What kind of quality do they have?

19. What are the purposes of a testing system?
20. What are standards for?

21. What do standardized test scores measure?
22. Do you think they truly measure a standard? I.e. is a standard measurement of people attainable?
23. Do they help people judge if someone is ready for a job or other task?

24. Why do we test people? What do we gain by it?

Discussion Question: Of French and Taiwanese tests, which better measures the person taking it?

法國2011年高中會考哲學科考題揭曉!Bac philo
【TEWA 歐洲教育新聞/2011.06.17/法國】法國高中會考哲學科考題揭曉!

法國六月此時正舉行高中會考(le baccalauréat, 簡稱le bac),近日舉行哲學科考試(簡稱Bac philo),五十萬考生可以在各組三道題目中擇一申論,今年考題普遍以科學與人類關係為主軸。

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by: Taiwan EU Watch